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Meet The Team

17+ Years l 50+ Films l 5+ Awards

Nik Coleman, CEO Coleman Television

Founder & CEO

Ellie Coleman Coleman Television

Managing Director

Luke Holliday Coleman Television

Production Director 

Byron Webster Coleman Television

Lead Editor

Nik Coleman

Ellie Coleman

Luke Holliday

Byron Webster

Nik, our CEO, has 40 years experience in broadcast. Nik has spent his career exploring radio and TV journalism until forming Coleman Television in 2005. 

Nik debuted Coleman Television worldwide with the hugely successful Plane Resurrection series. Nik's proudest achievement as CEO is never having had his own office!

Ellie has been with Coleman Television for 9 years, making her directorial debut in 2020 with shows for Yesterday and Channel 4.

Ellie heads up the production team which enjoyed such success in 2023 with programming for the 60th anniversary of the assassination 

of John F Kennedy. She won multiple awards for 'People Like Us', and is an enthusiastic paddle boarder.

Luke joined us in 2020 and was appointed Production Director in 2021. As with all the Creative Team, Luke shoots, edits and produces, and oversees our production schedule, totalling almost 80 hours. Luke is the unflappable vital last link in our chain from edit suite to Broadcaster, covering projects in the UK and USA. He's also a former professional rock guitarist.

Byron is our Lead Editor, and part of our cinematography team, tackling some of our most challenging documentaries. He masterminded the creative of our acclaimed UFO mystery series & has shaped the look and feel of History's Greatest Warbirds. Working between the UK & USA,  Byron is an expert stills photographer and modified car enthusiast 

Rachel Bull Coleman Television

Creative Editor

Liv Creasey Coleman Television

Production Researcher

Ellie Hewitt Coleman Television

Social Media Lead

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Development Producer

Rachel Bull

Liv Creasey

Ellie Hewitt

Ella jackson

Star Wars fan Rachel is CTVs longest serving non Director, Rachel has grown from a shy intern to a fully fledged filmmaker, camera operator and talented editor, Rachel has won multiple awards for 'People Like Us' and 'For Military Merit. Outside of work she’s a vintage fashion collector and photographer.

Liv who joined us as part of our graduate training scheme, is now our Research Producer.  An Alumni of The  University of Lincoln, Liv flows between research, editing and production logistics. Part of her job is also welcoming our growing team of student interns who we hope will follow her career path. Liv is a well known 'cat whisperer!’.

Ellie joined us at the start of 2023 as a further member of our graduate training scheme. A Graduate of Norwich University of The Arts, Ellie majored in fashion media but has quickly turned her attention to our burgeoning social media output in support of our programs and clients. Ellie is our pool of calm in an often boisterous office!

After working as a copywriter for a number of years for brands like Corona, BMW, and Hilton, Ella joined Coleman Television as Development Producer and has since been researching, pitching, and helping to craft the next big story Coleman Television for tell. When she’s not writing and developing, Ella is reading tarot cards and staring at the moon. 

Dr David J Hall Coleman Television


Ian MacLachlan Coleman Television


Sarah Coleman Coleman Television

Finance Director

Sewall 'Spike' Cutler Coleman Television

Legal Advisor

Dr David J Hall

Ian Mclachlan

Sarah Coleman

Sewall Cutler

Long time collaborator Dave Hall, Award winning CEO, long term 'student of the mind'  has our wide ranging remit as 'co-creator'. David, already known worldwide for his on screen work in the 'Final Evidence' series, and as the voice of 'Historys Greatest Aircraft, now expands his creativity to drive new engaging projects such as 2024's 'Lord Lucan: Final Evidence"

Our long time in house historian and the driving force providing the factual background for many of our shows. Ian also frequently appears on Plane Resurrection, History's Greatest Aircraft and other history used shows. He’s a legend within the aviation community as well as a successful author.

Sarah comes from an extensive financial advisory background, and joined the company from a long stint at Grant Thornton. She looks after our Financial Operations by day, but she's also a Producer in her own right, and collaborates on a range of new projects. Somehow she combines this with being a mother of two!

Sewall 'Spike' Cutler, our expert lawyer and a 20+ year colleague of the Directors, keeps us on the straight and narrow, as our counsel and legal advisor. He makes sure everything we produce is legal, proper and decent, like him, and he’s also the only one of us with a Pilots Licence!

Steve Maddox Coleman Television

US Co-Producer

Steve Maddox

Steve brings his experience as a regional film commissioner to exciting and innovative projects in  broadcast, theatrical distribution and online platforming. A talented and experienced scriptwriter and showrunner, he's currently developing our 2024/25 USA roster. In his spare time he’s restoring a 25 year old Toyota truck!

Become a part of our team!

UK      + 01603 327266
USA +1  405 534 4732

At Coleman Television we are always on the look out for new talent, whether its in the UK or the US. If you are interested in becoming apart of our team, please email or call us and we will get back to you when we can! Below you will find our contact details.

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